Social Entreprenurship Development Programme


Learning Corner

Social Entrepreneurship Concept

The concept of Social Entrepreneurship emerged in the late 70s. Theories of development explain why a predictable source of income is one of the best-ways to enable communities and individuals to address the most salient challenges they face. This is what Social Entrepreneurship strives to do - impact first economic activity saturated with social and environmental consciousness.

Social Entrepreneurship Concept

Courses on Social Entrepreneurship

Onsite and offsite courses available on Social Entrepeneurship is accessible in the following page.

Courses on Social Entrepreneurship

Scientific literature on Social Entrepreneurship

In this list, you can check out the most remarkable works and articles on social entrepreneurship, in English.

Scientific literature on Social Entrepreneurship

Researches on Social Entrepreneurship

თუ დაინტერესებული ხართ საქართველოში და მის ფარგლებ გარეთ ჩატარებული კვლევებით, სოციალური მეწარმეობის და მისი მონათესავე კონცეფციების შესახებ, ეწვიეთ ბმულს.

Researches on Social Entrepreneurship