Scale of our activities
While overviewing the scale of CSRDG Social Entrepreneurship Development Programme, we should distinguish geographical coverage and thematic areas of working.
Geographical coverage
Within the programme, activities are organised throught Georgian territory. Notably, programme aims at supporting municipalities even though the intensity of acctivities in Tbilisi is higher.
Within the granting (financial support) component of the programme, ideas are selected from eastern as well as from western parts of Georgia, from any municipality. Registry of funded social enterprises are a clear demonstration of how wide is the geographical coverage of the Social Entrepreneurship Development Programme.
Thematic areas of work
Programme has following priorities:
- Economic and social integration of the people from marginalised groups or fewer opportunities (including people in conflict with law, internally displaced persons, people with disabilities and/or special needs, traditional craftsmen/craftswomen and et al).
- Supporting social service development in the country.
- Development of marginalised municipalities and regions of Georgia.
- Re-cycle, up-cycle and environment protection.
- Supporting social innovations.
- Other fields, such as preserving cultural heritage, artwork and et al.