B2B Partnership Fair of Social Enterprises
To promote cooperation between social enterprises and business companies, registration for the third B2B Fair has been announced!
The Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG) and the Social Enterprise Alliance (SEA) invite social enterprises to participate in the third B2B Partnership Fair.
30 September-1 October
This is a unique opportunity
For social enterprises:
- To present products and services in one space and establish close business relationships with leading business companies;
- To meet other social enterprises and deepen partnerships with them;
- Present and offer their products/services to customers.
For business sector:
- To get acquainted with 50 social enterprises with diverse profiles;
- Implement and/or develop responsible procurement practices;
- Create sustainable impacts in the social and environmental fields.
For the interested social enterprises:
CSRDG offers multi-component support to the enterprises interested in the B2B exhibition.
- Master class for preparing a "business offer/presentation" (so-called Storry telling masterclass) from a British professional;
- Mentoring program, which involves working with individual business clients to prepare high-level business offers and present them at exhibition;
- Participation in the exhibition, which will bring together more than 100 companies;
- Opportunity for individual B2B meetings with bussiness sector;
- Participation in the fall market, which will take place on October 1, the second day of the B2B exhibition for the general public. Enterprises will have the opportunity to increase their revenues and sales.
Purpose of the B2B exhibition
The purpose of the exhibition is to deepen business relations between social enterprises and companies, as well as various sectors, promote social entrepreneurship and promote the development of social enterprises in Georgia.
Format of the event
At the B2B exhibition, business representatives will meet social entrepreneurs and negotiate future collaborations with them in accordance with their interests. Guests of the event will have the opportunity to get to know a variety of products and services of leading Georgian social enterprises in one space.
Please be informed that due to the high interest, places are limited. Social enterprises will be selected according to the relevant criteria. Preference will be given to productivity, sustainability, the volume of production, etc.
Interested enterprises, which will be registered by June 10, 2022, and meet the selection criteria, will be able to benefit from all the proposed support mechanisms (masterclass, mentoring program, B2B exhibition-sales).
Our team will work hard to create the opportunity for social enterprises that express their interest to participate in the B2B exhibition from June 11 till July 25, to be a part of the B2B exhibition and the fall market excluding the masterclass. However, this possibility depends on the number of places remaining and if a social enterprise meets the selection criteria.
Registration is possible through the link:
Participation fee
The fee for participation in the exhibition is 100 GEL. Social enterprises providing social services are exempt from the participation fee.
About the exhibition
The B2B exhibition has been held since 2017 at the initiative of CSRDG. The event is supported by the European Union and Bread for the World as part of the project "Advancing Social Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable and Inclusive Society", implemented by CSRDG in partnership with the Social Enterprise Alliance and partner organizations.
In case of questions you can contact our team:
Phone (+995) 591086846; Email se@csrdg.ge;
Or book an appointment for the responsible person
Please find the video of the 2017 B2B exhibition here: